Case Study: How Woodchukar Carpentry Transformed Their Business with CliqGen

From Leads to Deals: How Woodchukar Carpentry Skyrocketed Their Revenue with CliqGen

May 28, 20245 min read

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new." — Socrates


Woodchukar Carpentry's success story with CliqGen is a testament to how strategic online marketing and efficient business systems can propel a carpentry business to new heights. Starting just 5 months ago, Carl and his team have harnessed the power of CliqGen to boost their online reputation, attract more leads, and close deals with remarkable speed. By utilizing Google reviews, chat widgets, SMS blasts, and email marketing, Woodchukar Carpentry has not only streamlined their CRM processes but also significantly increased their revenue. In this blog post, we delve into how these tools have fueled the growth of a remodel business and explore how other service-based businesses can leverage similar strategies to attract more clients and scale their operations effectively.

carpentry and remodel business grows revenue

Boosting Online Presence

Google Reviews: A Game Changer

For Woodchukar Carpentry, Google reviews have been a game changer. Since adopting CliqGen, Carl's team has been consistently collecting positive feedback from satisfied clients. These reviews don't just sit idly; they actively boost the business's online reputation and help improve Google rankings. When potential clients search for a remodel business, the glowing testimonials make Woodchukar Carpentry stand out.

Positive reviews build trust and credibility, which are crucial for attracting more clients. In fact, many new leads have mentioned that the stellar Google reviews were a deciding factor in choosing Woodchukar Carpentry over competitors. This simple yet powerful tool has helped turn satisfied customers into vocal advocates, driving business growth and increasing revenue.

By focusing on gathering and leveraging Google reviews, other service-based businesses can also elevate their online presence and attract more quality leads.

CliqGen Chat Widget: Lead Generation Made Easy

The CliqGen chat widget has revolutionized lead generation for Woodchukar Carpentry. Installed on their website, this handy tool allows potential clients to start a conversation instantly. The chat widget ensures that Carl and his team receive notifications in real-time, allowing them to respond with remarkable speed. This quick response time often impresses potential clients and increases the likelihood of closing deals.

Moreover, the chat widget captures essential contact information, which is then seamlessly integrated into their CRM system. This means no lead gets lost, and follow-ups are more efficient. The ease of use and immediacy of the chat widget make it a powerful asset for converting website visitors into actual clients.

Service-based businesses looking to boost their lead generation efforts can greatly benefit from implementing a similar chat system. It’s a straightforward yet effective way to engage more clients and drive business growth.

From Leads to Closed Deals

Notification System: The Speedy Reply

One of the standout features of CliqGen for Woodchukar Carpentry has been the notification system. When a new contact reaches out through the chat widget or other channels, Carl and his team receive instant notifications on their app. This allows them to respond almost immediately, a factor that clients appreciate and that often sets the business apart from competitors.

Speedy replies build trust and show potential clients that Woodchukar Carpentry values their time and interest. This quick response capability significantly increases the chances of closing deals. The ability to engage with leads in real-time has streamlined their communication process and reduced the time from initial contact to project confirmation.

For service-based businesses, the importance of a quick reply cannot be overstated. Implementing a robust notification system ensures that no lead is left waiting, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and driving business growth.

CRM and Marketing: Retargeting Success

Carl and his team at Woodchukar Carpentry have mastered the art of retargeting with the help of CliqGen’s CRM and marketing tools. By using SMS blasts and email marketing, they keep their past clients engaged and informed about new services, promotions, and updates. This ongoing communication has proven to be a goldmine for repeat business and referrals.

The integrated CRM system makes it easy for them to segment their audience and tailor messages to specific groups. This personalized approach not only boosts client retention but also encourages word-of-mouth referrals. The ability to track and manage interactions with past clients ensures that no one falls through the cracks.

For other service-based businesses, leveraging CRM and marketing tools for retargeting can significantly enhance customer relationships and drive business growth. It’s an effective way to stay top-of-mind and turn one-time clients into loyal advocates.

Measurable Business Growth

Case Study: Woodchukar Carpentry's Success

Woodchukar Carpentry’s journey with CliqGen has been nothing short of transformative. In just five months, Carl and his team have seen a dramatic increase in their leads and revenue. By leveraging Google reviews, chat widgets, and an efficient notification system, they’ve managed to attract and convert more clients than ever before.

The numbers speak for themselves. Their online reputation has improved significantly, resulting in higher Google rankings and more website traffic. The chat widget alone has doubled their lead conversion rate, while the real-time notifications have reduced their response time to mere minutes. Retargeting efforts through SMS and email have led to a significant increase in repeat business.

Other service-based businesses can draw inspiration from Woodchukar Carpentry’s success. By adopting similar strategies, they too can experience measurable business growth and take their operations to the next level.

Implementing CliqGen Tools

Seeing Woodchukar Carpentry’s remarkable growth highlights the potential of implementing CliqGen tools in your business. If you’re a service-based business owner looking to scale, now is the time to harness the power of strategic online marketing and efficient business systems. Whether it’s through collecting Google reviews, utilizing chat widgets, or employing a robust CRM and marketing platform, these tools can significantly enhance your operations and bottom line.

Start by evaluating your current processes and identifying areas for improvement. Implementing tools like CliqGen can streamline your communication, boost your online presence, and increase client retention. Remember, the goal is not just to attract more leads but to convert them quickly and efficiently.

Take the first step towards measurable business growth by exploring what CliqGen has to offer. With the right tools and strategies, you can transform your business just like Woodchukar Carpentry did. We will do a FREE marketing audit and show you exactly how we can set your business up for success. The best part? If we just bring you ONE job, our services will be paid for, for an entire year. Pretty sweet, right?

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Teryn Ellersick - Founder & CEO, CliqGen

Teryn Ellersick is an entrepreneur with a rich background in local business operations. Originating as the owner of a successful photography studio and event center, Teryn mastered marketing and operational automation. She founded CliqGen to empower service-based businesses with advanced CRM technology tailored for local markets. Her leadership aims to enhance customer engagement, streamline operations, and boost profitability, helping businesses achieve sustainable growth.

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